Mittwoch, 16. Januar 2013

Martynas amazing animated tanks joined the parade. As silly as everything else.

Dienstag, 15. Januar 2013

Montag, 14. Januar 2013

Background (first drawings)

Plain background or a nice image in the background?

These are a day and night versions we are testing with at the moment. Not so slick looking yet but more of a proof of concept. Still has to proof itself.


This is a character sheet we made to introduce a few of the characters to the public.

Hello, nice to meet you!

The parade marches

We have been busy making all different kind of soldiers. This is the first time they see eachother and the first time we see them all in one frame.


In this 16x9 images it works perfectly. The thing is that during culture night we have to deal with an ultra wide screen of 9x2. So we decided that we are going for an strict side view, with less rows into the distance.

Marching Test 3

We asked the small soldier if he could call his little friend and form an entire army. No problem.

Sadly these compositions don't work as we hoped they would. Still looking for a way to fix that.

Marching Test 2

Jonas figured out how to put the same rig onto the small soldier. Works like a charm.

Marching Test 1

This guy is a character from Ruud's graduation film Black&Blue. We are planning to use the same rig for the soldiers so we tested if this guy could do some silly walks. Looks silly to us.

Tank movement test no.02

Made some test of tank animations, to see, how they look together, and also to document a progress.

Tank movement test no.01

After tanks were finished modelling, it was a time to check them in a movement. This first example shows tanks animation together with rigged character, toi have an impression how they look in one frame.

Tank's turntable no.2

This is an example of the tank, modeled for Military Parade animation, and there is a chance for you top see, how it looks from any direction.

Tank's turntable no.1

This is a second example of the tank, modeled for Military Parade animation, and there is a chance for you to see, how it looks from any direction.

Sonntag, 13. Januar 2013

Early sketches of tanks

This is some early sketches of tanks made just on paper, that later were transferred to 3D. Were trying to approach the style of the tanks to be similar and consistent to our previous character designs.